The Jaycees

The Honolulu Chinese Jaycees (HCJ) is one of six chapters in Hawaii, as part of JCI USA and JCI International.  We share a mission and set of values to successfully create sustainable impact in a dynamic world, especially according to the JCI Active Citizen Framework.  With this extensive network, our members have access to conferences, trainings, and specialized resources while having opportunities to be honored for individual and chapter achievements with awards, celebrations, and widespread recognition.

HCJ has four established sister chapters with opportunities for more on the way.

  1. Houston International Jaycees

  2. JCI Peninsula

  3. JCI Taipei

  4. JCI Utsunomiya

History of Jaycees

Founder Henry Giessenbier founded the Jaycees in 1920, with 3,000 members, in St. Louis, Missouri. It was Henry’s vision to provide young people with opportunities which they had little or no access to otherwise attain. He believed that young people could change the world. He was right. In his era, most young men were out of school and working by the age of 15. Their first jobs were most likely the jobs they held throughout their lives. With luck and hard work, some might reach executive positions by their forties.

Giessenbier felt that young men were not receiving the opportunities necessary to develop their skills at a younger age, thus depriving our nation of an important resource, and so he formed the founding ideals of the U.S. Junior Chamber. His theory was simple – to offer leadership opportunities to young people, giving them hands – on experience through serving the community. That concept has never wavered.

Timeline of Jaycees Nationwide

1892 June 26—Birth of Henry Giessenbier Jr.

1910 September 22—Herculaneum Dance Club formed by Giessenbier

1914 Federation of Dancing Clubs formed by Giessenbier

1915 October 13—Young Men’s Progressive Civic Association founded by Giessenbier

1916 August 24—YMPCA changes its name to St. Louis Junior Citizens, marking first time the term “J.C” is employed

1918 April 11—Junior Citizens changes name to Junior Chamber of Commerce

1920 January 21—The United States Junior Chamber of Commerce forms in St. Louis, Missouri, with 3000 members

         June 17-19—First national convention held in St. Louis; Giessenbier elected first president.

1922 January 20—First presentation of Distinguished Service Award

1923 Get Out the Vote is first Jaycee program to receive national endorsement

1924 Missouri becomes first state member of USJCC

1925 Beginnings of national projects Know America First and Fire Prevention

         Expansion authorized as first USJCC magazine

1926 Development of aviation adopted as national project

1927 Jaycee Charles A. Lindbergh makes first solo flight between New York and Paris

         Jaycees work with Lindbergh to develop the U.S. Air Mail Service

         Harry S. Krusz hired as first full-time executive secretary

1929 May 12-17—First National Junior Chamber of Commerce Week

         September—Young Executive Magazine replaces Expansion

            September 16—USJCC becomes incorporated

1930 Jaycee shield designed by Durward Howes

1931 Distinguished Service Awards program established on chapter level

1934 First sponsored exhibits and first parade at national convention

1935 Efforts to develop official relationship with Chamber of Commerce of the US end

         November 7—Death of Henry Giessenbier Jr. at age 43

1936 National Wildlife Federation established with guidance of USJCC

1937 Venereal disease prevention programs for the public launched on state and national levels by Jaycees

1938 May 1—New constitution and bylaws and Ohio Plan implemented

         September—Future replaces Young Executive as national magazine

1939 First Ten Outstanding Young Men of America winners announced

         Safety with Light campaign gains national attention as thousands of street lights are donated to communities by Jaycees

1940 USJCC endorses the principle of a military draft

1944 December 11—Junior Chamber International organized in Mexico City

1946 Junior Golf program begins

1947 Official approval of “Jaycee” as synonym of organization

         July 3—Headquarters moves from Chicago to Tulsa

         September—Bill Brownfield’s Jaycee Creed officially adopted by USJCC

1950 March—“Faith in God” line added to Jaycee Creed

         July 10—War Memorial Headquarters groundbreaking in Tulsa

1951 August 4—Dedication ceremonies for War Memorial Headquarters

1953 Jaycees sponsor stops on Professional Golfers’ Association tour for first time in Greensboro, NC, and Hartford, CT

1954 First Outstanding Young Farmer and Junior Tennis programs

1959 Jaycees support statehood for Alaska

1960 Hawaii granted statehood due to Jaycee efforts

1961 First Governmental Affairs Leadership Seminar

1962 Jaycees tackle Uniform Vehicle Code, resulting on adoption of national level

1963 Clean Water Program launched in communities across America

         Shooting Education adopted as national program

1964 Project Concern raises money and equipment for clinics providing medical care to Chinese refugees in Hong Kong

1965 Jaycees presented first annual National Award of Distinction from National Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up Bureau

         June 23—Name of organization officially changed to the U.S. Jaycees

         June 24—Bylaw change requires individual members also to be members of Junior Chamber International

1970 USJCC Do Something campaign sparks national interest in volunteerism

1971 Jaycees provide more than 3,000,000 volunteer hours to help administer 7 million doses of rubella measles vaccine

1972 Jaycees undertake model Operation Identification program to combat burglaries and aid crime prevention efforts

         Five million stickers distributed nationally through Operation Red Ball to reduce fire fatalities

         June 20—Minimum age for membership lowered to 18

1973 The United States Jaycees’ Center for Improved Child Nutrition opens in Bloomington, MN

1977 Operation Threshold, a program dedicated to reducing alcohol abuse, reaches 23 million Americans

         Muscular Dystrophy Fundraising adopted as a national program

1978 January 14—Dedication of archives at War Memorial Headquarters

1980 Daisy/US Jaycees Shooting Education program honored with National Safety Council Award for Youth Activities

1982 Healthy American Fitness Leaders awards adopted as national program

1984 Sign Up America campaign collects 1.5 million signatures supporting American’s Olympic athletes

         August 16—Bylaw change admits women as full and regular members

1985 The U.S. Jaycees endorse Campaign for Liberty to encourage public support for restoration of Statue of Liberty

         St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Fundraising adopted as national program

1986 First women honored at Congress of Ten Outstanding Young Americans

1987    Jaycees Magazine replaces Future

         June 17—Membership age changes to 21 through 39

1990 June-Name of organization officially changes back to The U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce

1992 National Wake Up, America! Program urges communities to get involved in government and issues

         Jaycees respond to devastating hurricanes in the Southeast with massive national support

1993 Junior Chamber members instrumental in bringing relief to flood-stricken Midwest

         Green Works! Environmental education and community action program adopted by USJCC

1994 – Jaycees Against Youth Smoking adopted as national program

Junior Chamber Mission Inn adopted as national program to support children and adolescents affected by AIDS

The Jaycee Alliance formed to be “America’s voice for young people”

1995 – A Legacy of Leadership is published, celebrating The U.S. Junior Chamber’s 75-year history

2000 – First female-elected National President. Junior Chamber Center for Business Advancement develops web-based video seminar training.

2001 – Name changes to The United States Junior Chamber

2004 – Bylaw change established membership age as 18 through 40.