Signature Events

  • Healthy Baby Contest

    HBC has been HCJ’s signature program since the organization’s founding in 1953. The year 2023 will mark HBC’s 70th anniversary - seven decades of HCJ promoting health and wellness for our island keiki. HBC takes place over a few weeks between August and September with activities, giveaways, events, and competition for scholarship funds. To be involved, consider donating funds or giveaway items, or joining one of the HBC Planning Committees: Marketing, Healthy Baby Contest, Sponsorhips/Finance, Administration/Registration, and Judging.

  • Dragon Boat Festival

    HCJ has supported the community Dragon Boat Festival for many years, and partnered with Chinatown808 in recent years to continue this tradition. Dragon Boat Festival has typically been an on-water race with many teams and a celebration of this Chinese cultural sport. Due to COVID-19, the on-water race was postponed, so the festival transformed into on-land races and a community festival. In 2023, HCJ will continue supporting the festival with volunteer recruitment and coordination and hosting activity booths on Saturday, July 15, 2023. In the meantime, opportunities will arise for volunteers to repair the dragon boats with hopes for resumption of on-water racing in the near future.

  • Night in Chinatown

    HCJ has been a partner in hosting NIght in Chinatown, a large-scale community celebration, taking place around Lunar New Year, of the local Chinese community. This public event showcases the vendors, culture, and patrons of Chinatown Honolulu, drawing thousands of people. If you want to learn more about volunteering, please email HCJ.

  • Miss Chinatown Hawaii Pageant

    HCJ has strong ties with the Miss Chinatown Hawaii, a cultural and scholarship pageant that feeds into the national Miss Chinatown USA. HCJ founded the program in 1977, intending to elevate young women of Chinese ancestry on the local and national levels. Many of HCJ’s recent members have been contestants and crowned during MIss Chinatown Hawaii, and the chapter supports by volunteering during major events and promoting the program.